Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Grove is Growing - Come be a part of a something unique!

The Grove has now begun to meet each Tuesday night at Gateway Church on Bell Road. We meet from 7 to 9 for coffee and fellowship. If you have not had a chance to see what is growing at the Grove come on by. Gateway is the first church on the right after turning on Bell Road (going towards the Troy Highway) off of Vaughn Road. This Tuesday night "coffee house" is primarily for 20s and 30s who are interested in community. Beyond that, the Grove will become whatever it becomes. There is really no knowing what is going to happen here.
The Grove is not a Gateway thing, a Baptist thing, or any particular group's thing. It is for all those in Montgomery who have a need for community and who would like a safe and open place to come and meet with others.

Also, as of last week, the folks that put the Grove together have opened up the Grove leadership team to anyone that might be interested in joining. If you are interested, meet at the church between 6 and 6:15 to help set up, talk about new ideas, and join in prayer as you feel led. For those interested, there is a gathering for prayer from 6:15 to 6:45 though we are not limiting prayer to this group alone. Of course, we can always use more help in all areas of the Grove such as music, set up, small groups, prayer, and on and on. Come on by early if you want to talk about, hear about, or get involved with the make up of the Grove.

Another thing that is happening is our "Beyond the Grove" times. After our gatherings on Tuesday night, several folks head to Chik-fil-A for more fellowship and conversation. Then, on the weekends, we also hope to have various things we can gather around such as dinner, bowling, games, and maybe even hiking of camping in the future.

Please post any comments or suggestions to help the Grove meet the needs of those that are coming. We also encourage feedback on our meetings to this point so we can make adjustments as necessary to make this a great place to come and meet with friends.