Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Grove Organizational Meeting and Girls Night Out!

The Grove Girls Night Out! Friday, September 9, 2005 at 6:30 p.m.
Girls of the Grove are invited to a night of fellowship!
We will begin at San Marcos for dinner then on to Kristy Glenn’s house for games and fellowship! Hair color and nail polish could be involved so be prepared for fun times! Need more info? Contact Kristy Glenn 300-5611 or Kari Chaffin 324-4200.

Grove Organizational Meeting – Thursday, Sept. 8 – 6 p.m.
At Anita Helms’ House near the Atlanta Highway Super Wal-Mart
6824 Sandfield Dr. My home phone number is 271-9594. Please notify Chuck C. @ 233-4249 or Anita Helms @ by Wednesday night if you are coming so we can have enough food prepared. Also, please sign up to bring drinks and dessert.

We will discuss proposed changes in the organization of the Grove and sign up leaders for functional areas. At the last meeting, the following was proposed:

1) The Tuesday night gathering should become deeper in biblical content. Speakers should be secured who are willing to do 3 or 4 week studies. Study topics can include basic biblical truth or they can be biblical perspectives on contemporary issues such as finance, dating, purity, etc. The goals of these deeper studies include: to deepen our knowledge of the Word, to strengthen our relationship to Christ, to equip us for personal growth, to equip us to spread the gospel.

2) The Tuesday night gathering should alter its time schedule and format as follows:

a) Continue 6:15 prayer time with emphasis on praying over that particular evening.
b) Start content (worship + study) promptly at 7 p.m.
c) Continue worship to open and close but, in general, find one or two persons to simply get up and lead us in worship more often than we have an outside band come in. That is not to say that we cannot have bands but let’s strive to have worship led by those within our group rather than those from without. We also need at least two people to be responsible for the worship area of the Grove (more info below).
d) Begin bible study approximately 7:15 and conclude around 8 ish.
e) Fellowship time will be from 8 to approximately 8:30 leaving all tables, snacks, etc. in place until that time to encourage hanging out.
f) Begin take down at 8:30

3) Beyond the Grove activities should become more varied than just a Saturday night meal. Of course, this will be primarily up to the members of the Grove who have a heart for fellowship to provide varied opportunities for our members to get together and build and/or strengthen relationships. In addition, it should be made clear that Beyond the Grove activities are totally optional and no one should feel pressured to attend. Such pressure on members of the Grove to attend Beyond the Grove activities will not be tolerated. The idea of these gatherings is to give people an opportunity to fellowship without a formal time frame or structure. These gathering times are also excellent opportunities to bring non-Christian friends to an informal gathering where they can build relationships with other Grove members that may lead them to join our Tuesday night fellowship.

4) More leadership is needed. Over recent weeks, with the departure of Stephen See and Blake Harrison, leadership has fallen to just a few people. We need to assemble teams of at least 2 people for each key functional area. These teams need to accept full responsibility for their areas for each Grove gathering. If the leaders cannot fulfill their duties for a given gathering, they must find others to fill in. Accountability, commitment, and consistency are key. Leadership teams of at least 2 people are needed for each of the following areas: Worship, Speakers/Content, Set Up/Atmosphere, Take Down, Powerpoint, Faciltator (i.e. intro, announcements, intro worship, intro content, closing, overall flow), Prayer

BPC out