Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Beyond the Grove - Week of February 21 to 27

Last night at the Grove was game night! If you missed it, you missed tons of fun. We had a good crowd with games like MOODS, Scrabble, Madden on the XBOX, cards, and more. Next week, we'll have C.J. Falcione come and speak to us.

This week's Beyond the Grove gathering will be at Blue Burrito at 6 pm on Saturday night.

Also, several folks seem interested in a GroveFest outdoor event sometime in late Spring or Early Summer. However, we need someone who really has interest to jump up and lead the way on this. Initial ideas have been to have a series of bands/artists along with maybe some other outdoor activities. If you volunteer to be the director of GroveFest, you'll get unlimited free cappuccinos at each Grove gathering ;)! How can you pass that up?

Feel free to come up with as many Beyond the Grove activities as you like. The Grove is ours to make of it what we will (and what God wills, of course). The possibilities are endless because God is behind the wheel!

BPC out.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

WOW! Don't miss another Grove Gathering!

If you missed last night's Grove, you missed something special. Jamie Culpepper came and spoke to us on what it means and what it takes to be a true disciple of Christ. The message was great but it was what happened next that was really wonderful. Jamie sat down on the steps of the stage and opened the floor for discussion. Many people shared their thoughts, opinions, and experiences and the spirit of community that we have been yearning for came upon the whole place. It felt like we were all sitting around a campfire and sharing out hearts with each other. That is what the Grove is meant to be - a place where young people can come and build each other up, encourage one another, exhort one another, and love one another. And even more importantly, do all this in the name of Christ and for the glory of Christ. That vision became a reality last night and the spirit of the risen Lord filled the Grove. He is doing a new thing. Don't miss another Grove or you'll never understand how "taking it to the house on a Murray bicycle" can lead to the spirit of God flowing over people.

Beyond the Grove this week happens at Wings Sports Grille on Saturday night at 6. Then, the group will likely go to the Nova 8 for a movie. Contact Blake Harrison at 657-1785 for more information.

Next week at the Grove is game night. Bring your favorite games and come prepared to have mucho fun while riding high on caffeine.

BPC out.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Beyond the Grove Upcoming Events

If anyone is interested is a car pool trip to see the Dead Sea Scrolls in Mobile on 19 Feb 04, please call Stephen See at 313-1869 or sign up at the Grove.

Ultimate Frisbee anyone! Blake Harrison is trash talking about being "all that" at the best college game ever invented! But no one knows if he has what it takes. Let’s get a crew together, and meet at Shakespeare and make him prove it. Its low impact, good exercise and even better ... it’s a blast. If you’re interested call Stephen See at 313-1869 or sign up at the Grove. We’ll pick a date based on general agreement from those interested, then we’ll publicize it!

Otherwise, CYA at the Grove this Tuesday, February 8 at 7 p.m.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


No, it's not some trip to the fortune teller. Beyond the Grove is simply folks who have met through the Grove getting together outside our normal gathering times. But, it's a cool name, ya think?

This week, Beyond the Grove gathers at Atlanta Bread at 6 p.m. on Saturday, February 5. After dinner, a movie or Marble Slab might be in store. Also, if anyone has any idea for a Super Bowl party, Big Poppa Chuck will be glad to come by and eat your hot wings as long as you have Tums on stand by. Seriously, if anyone is interested in gathering for the Super Bowl, post to the Blog and we'll see if we can get together. A place with a big screen TV and plenty of recliners is preferred.

Otherwise, Cya next Tuesday at the Grove.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

February at the Grove

We are continuing to gather on Tuesday nights from 7 to 9 at Gateway (3300 Bell Road). Come on by and check us out. Also, as I mentioned in the last post, anyone who is interested is invited to come early and participate in corporate prayer and/or organization of the Grove. A few of us get to Gateway by 6 or a little before to help with set up. Also, we gather for corporate prayer at 6:15. We can never have too many people praying.

There are several areas where folks can get involved in "cultivating" the Grove. Assistance is needed in the areas of small group discussion, art procurement, set up, take down, and food and beverage. If any of these areas seem interesting, contact anyone involved in those areas or post a comment here.

Please give feedback on our weekly gatherings and any thoughts you may have on what the Lord is doing or may do with the Grove.

Beyond the Grove

A few more than 15 folks met at Big Poppa Chuck's House this past Saturday night for games. I think that great fun was had by all. Plus, a few snacks went down the hatch. Though we were accused of bending the rules a little (perhaps a deserved accusation), the guys whomped the ladies in Scene It, Jr. Ladies, you better represent at the next game night. But, if you don't know the names of the three Powerpuff Girls or the name of their town, you might not be able to hang!

We plan to continue getting together outside our Tuesday night gatherings for various opportunities to get to know each other in a relaxed setting. If you have any ideas or suggestions or want to get involved with Beyond the Grove, post a comment or contact someone at the Grove.

In addition to Saturday gatherings of Beyond the Grove, several folks are still getting together after our Tuesday gathering at places like Chik-Fil-A.

See you tonight at the Grove.